The Book More Show: More Leads, More Calls, More Business

Ep095: Conversational Syndication

February 2nd, 2020

Today on the Book More Show, I'm talking with Dean about two great subjects. The opportunity to syndicate your book and the art of conversational conversions.

If you run a coaching group, generate leads for people, run a sales team, or anything where your success depends on other people's sales, then the opportunity to create a book that other people can use is a huge advantage.

We know that for most people, the idea of creating a book is beyond what they are willing to do. Even with a simple process like ours, it's just not something they think about. Know how straightforward a book can be to create, you can leverage that 'willingness gap' by essentially doing it for them, and benefitting from the conversations they're able to start.

We finished by talking more about those conversations and the opportunities for conversational conversions.

If you're looking to convert someone into a customer, there are really only two times; now or not now…

Once someone asks for a copy of your book, it's your ability to create a conversational conversion that will take someone to that next step.

Another great episode.

There is a lot to take away in this episode.
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