The Book More Show: More Leads, More Calls, More Business
Ep029: Making the most of Facebook
June 17th, 2017 | 44 mins 38 secs
Today we're looking at Facebook as a channel to promote your book.
Looking at the various types of Facebook pages, ads & events, we talk through the different way you can use your book to engage potential readers and start conversations.
Live Video
Lead Ads
This is a great introduction to some of the ways you can find your audience.If we missed any, or you want us to go deeper, let us know in the comments.
Ep028: Starting Conversations
June 11th, 2017 | 33 mins 5 secs
A fantastic episode today. You'll want to grab a pen & paper for this one!
Dean & I talk about leading people from requesting a copy of your book, through to conversations that give you the opportunity to solve people's problems.
It's so easy to fall into the 'broadcast' trap of treating people as a metric rather than as individuals. In this show we're talking about specific ways to break that pattern and follow up with people in a more human way.
Technology encourages us to treat 'Leads' as numbers in a CRM rather than individuals reading messages, so Dean shares 2 acronyms to put you in the best frame of mind to engage people and start real conversations.
Ep027: Engaging Readers
June 8th, 2017 | 1 hr 11 mins
A special bonus episode today.
A few weeks ago Dean spoke with Bill Bloom. A 90-Minute Book author of The Yachters Guide to Early Retirement.
I wanted to share this great call with you as they go deep into the follow up opportunities once someone has read your book.
The real magic is in starting a conversation with people who are likely to become customers/clients of yours. There is a lot of practical advice here in thinking about moving the conversation from invisible prospect, to visible client.
You'll get a lot out of it following on from our pervious shows.
Ep026: Practical Book Launch Ideas (pt2)
May 27th, 2017 | 40 mins 13 secs
Part 2 of my favorite shows of the year so far...
This week Betsey & I finish off talking about practical ways to use your book once it's complete. Using 'traditional' publishing strategies as the idea, we look at how you can tweak the tactic to really get the most bang for your book.
Continuing from last week we look at:
The best ways to give copies away (including at live events)
The problems with teaser content
Opportunities for product placement
and a handful of grab bag ideas
If you have any ideas we missed, Send us an email -
Ep025: Practical Book Launch Ideas (pt1)
May 20th, 2017 | 39 mins 9 secs
One of my favorite shows of the year so far...
This week Betsey & I are talking about practical ways to use your book once it's complete. Using 'traditional' publishing strategies as the idea, we look at how you can tweak the tactic to really get the most bang for your book.
We had 4 or 5 topics on the outline, but the conversation was so good we only go to cover 2 (plus a great side conversation on using to get in front of people).
This week we go deep into the better way to do a:
Book reading/signing
Book launch party
We'll continue with the rest of the ideas next week... -
Ep024: Getting Started with Julia Carlson
May 13th, 2017 | 36 mins 49 secs
This week I have a great call with someone who just joined the program about their thought process in deciding to write a book and the customers they aim to attract.
Julia Carlson is a Wealth Management expert with 20 years experience. As her own company has grown, she's found herself spending more time running the business and less face to face time with clients. She was looking for a way to leverage her knowledge and still help the people she's passionate about helping in a way that's more scalable than one on one.
A book is the perfect way to initiate those conversations and help people get started.
This is a great call for anyone thinking about writing a book to engage clients. There are insights into the way you can resonate with people, the mindset of helping them in a way that makes it easy to get started and how to think about the next step, developing the relationship with your potential customers.
Ep023: Information Goldmines
May 6th, 2017 | 26 mins 36 secs
This week Dean & I talk about Information Goldmines. The knowledge you have at your fingers today, that will enable you to create a book that reveals invisible leads and starts conversations.
Even if you don't know where to start, there is a simple process to identify the most pressing questions in your customer's mind and follow up by answering the questions the should be asking.
Ep022: Recycle Reuse Record
April 29th, 2017 | 48 mins 41 secs
This week we've got a deep dive episode looking at the options to Recycle Reuse Record other content in your book.
We'll occasionally speak to people who want to turn a presentation, or series of blog posts into a book. While this can give your campaign a boost, there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. In today's show we look at the pitfalls of recycling, the opportunities of reuse & the easiest way to record to create the most effective book.
Ep021: Using Books in the Real World
April 22nd, 2017 | 31 mins 52 secs
Creating a book is one thing, but how you use it is where the magic starts to happen.
In today's show Susan & I talk about several real world examples of authors using their books to engage potential customers, be seen as authorities and change lives by providing useful, accessible information to an audience excited to hear what you have to say.
We often get the question 'What now?' from people. In this show there are some great examples of how to use your book and if you haven't yet started, some great ideas of the outcome to help you simplify the process and get started faster.
Ep020: In the Paper
April 18th, 2017 | 40 mins 23 secs
Print advertising is often look at as the poor, unsophisticated cousin of online.
In a world where it can be easy to get swayed by the abundance of vanity metrics, it's easy to forget that effectiveness is the really important metric & in certain markets, print can still get through where 'banner blindness' turns online into an ever increasing numbers game.
Inspired by a 1/2 page print ad I saw over the weekend, today we're looking at a real life example print ad being run in a national newspaper.
There are some great takeaways here you can use to engage cold leads.
Remember, this is a Profit Activator #2 tactic: Identifying invisible leads. You're not trying to convince people to do business with you (yet). This stage is all about compelling them to join a conversation with you.
Ep019: Back Cover Call to Action
April 1st, 2017 | 32 mins 52 secs
This episode we talk about the Call to Action on the back cover of your book.
If the most effective use of your book is to identify invisible leads, then the back cover is key to encouraging your reader to take the next step.
It's easy for this to be an afterthought and try to 'convince' people to call for an appointment, rather than thinking strategically about the next Minimum Viable Commitment step you can ask people to take.
The benefit of this second approach is to sift & sort hotter leads, by having them self-select as more interested, as well as giving still invisible readers, those who get a copy without opting in, an easy way to make themselves visible.
Ep018: Helping Launch a Coaching Business with Kevin Craig
March 25th, 2017 | 38 mins 41 secs
In this episode we talk to Kevin Craig about his book The Professional Referral Solution and the surprising changes it has had on his business.
Written as a way to give people a benchmark understanding of how he built his real estate business, Kevin's book has lead to speaking engagements and requests for both group and individual coaching from other professionals.
As we head into 2017, Kevin talks about developing this additional stream of business further and reflects on the surprising opportunity his book helped create.
This is a great episode for anyone thinking about the benefits a 90-Minute Books might deliver for you and your business.
Kevin's book is also a great resource for anyone in sales looking for an alternative to cold calling. Grab a copy below.
Ep017: Book Titles & Presuasion
October 8th, 2016 | 35 mins 4 secs
In this episode Dean & I talk about the importance of your book title and how to amplify your success by using some of the ingrained human triggers talked about in Robert Cialdini's new book Pre-suasion.
By selecting a title that allows someone to identify themselves as a potential client, 'it sounds like this book could help me...' and using the title and subheading to plant the seed of the solution you can offer, you'll not only start to identify previously invisible leads, but also begin to predispose people to engage in a conversation with you.
'The Adult Acne Cure' and 'Email Mastery' both begin to offer the benefit of the solution rather than just an improved process.
One of the most successful campaigns we've seen moves people from the below Email Mastery ad, to the book, to an email conversation... All perfectly congruent with the message of mastering email and building value at each stage.
Ep016: Leads & Referrals with Joel Johnson
September 18th, 2016 | 1 hr 5 mins
You're going to love todays episode. Yesterday Dean recorded an interview with one of our authors Joel Johnson. Joel owns an investment company up in the North East and has been using 90-Minute book style books to attract clients with various different needs into his business.
It's an amazing behind the scenes looking into a successful marketing campaign.
Toward the end of their talk, the conversation turns to referrals and there's an amazing breakthrough to orchastrate very specific referrals using Joel's 'Forced to Retire' book.
This really is a fantastic episode for anyone considering a book, or looking for more way to leverage theirs.
If you're ready to get started on yours, just head back to the home page & hit the get started button.
This was also released on Dean's podcast. Head over there for more shows diving deep into the 8-Profit Activators with real businesses just like yours.
In the meantime, grab a coffee, grab a pen and listen in.
Ep015: Question & Answer.mp3
August 20th, 2016 | 40 mins 23 secs
This week Betsey & I answer some of your questions... at least that was the plan. We end up deep diving 2 issues that come up time & again in the questions we field:
How long should my book be?
How much editing should I do?
This is a hugely valuable show for anyone who has had a book on their 'to do' list. We focus on the purpose and benefits of writing a book to start a conversation with potential clients. -
Ep014: Content Ideas
August 6th, 2016 | 36 mins 12 secs
This week I'm joined by Betsey Vaughn again as we discuss two ideas for creating content. Using other people's expertise to add value to your potential customers and leveraging external changes like regulation or technology changes to be first to market and provide potential customers with the information they are looking for.