The Book More Show: More Leads, More Calls, More Business
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
189 episodes of The Book More Show: More Leads, More Calls, More Business since the first episode, which aired on April 27th, 2016.
Ep061: Working with others
May 19th, 2018 | 49 mins 4 secs
We know your book is the best way to start a conversation. A way to identify invisible prospects from all the people out there who could be customers.
But rather than offering it to everyone, there are ways to improve your results by offering it to those who are already predisposed to want to do business with you.
The great news is, this approach can benefit everyone. Not just you, but the people you’re working with, and their customers.
Today on the Book More Show we’re talking about working with others to add more value to their customers, and at the same time, giving you the opportunity to spread your message, and introduce your solution to people who are already in the market for whatever it is you offer.
Working with complimentary, non-competing businesses is one of the best ways to identify that group of customers, one step removed from your current sphere of influence.
By taking a couple of extra steps to orchestrate that referral process, you can ensure the best chance of a new, relevant, potential customer hearing about you in a way that starts the conversation in a great way.
We also talked about ways to work with others to create your book in the first place.
This is a great show, especially if you operate in a geographical area where you have connections, or have built relationships online already.
Ep060: Your super signature
May 12th, 2018 | 49 mins 15 secs
We've talked recently about the different ways you can identify new customers once your book is finish, and one common theme across these approaches is email.
No matter how you get in front of people, at some point it probably involves sending them a message.
In today’s show we look at 2 ways you can make the most of the messages you send; your Super Signature, and following up with a SPEAR email to move the conversation forward.
No matter what business you're in, the aim of your book is to start a conversation with a potential customer, and your emails are the best way to develop the relationship while giving people the opportunity to move to the next stage. To take that minimum viable commitment step toward doing business with you.
There are some great ideas in this show, things you can implement today, and you can grab a copy of the Email Mastery book from to up your email game even further.
Ep059: A healthy love affair with Focus James
May 6th, 2018 | 1 hr 46 secs
The biggest benefit of having your book, is... having your book!
It may sound obvious, but it's easy to forget about all the different ways you can use it when you're caught up in creating it.
Once it's finished, it becomes the flagship asset, the 'thing' you can offer, reference, and refer people to, in many different campaigns.
That's what we're talking about in today’s show as we take an hour to talk with Focus James.
Focus has just finished her book ‘How to Have a Healthy Love Affair' and with a speaking event coming up in the next few weeks, we look at all the ways she can use her new book to amplify her message, compel the audience to take the next step, and get into a conversation with all the people who are interested, but not quite ready today.
Focus has a model, a framework to help people, a passion to share her knowledge, and now has her book, her manifesto to help spread the word and identify all the invisible prospects... people she can help and would love to work with her.
This is a great show, and another opportunity to create ideas for a real-world example.
Ep058: Further beyond
April 29th, 2018 | 48 mins 53 secs
There are many different ways to use your book to engage people, and today we're looking at a 'grab bag' of possibilities.
Your comfort with creating new 'things', the skills you have, and the audience you already with, will all influence how you choose to use your book, but by looking at many options today, we'll get to cover something for everyone. Something that when you hear us talk about it, you'll immediately see how you can use the idea to better engage potential customers.
Creating your book give you the flagship asset... the thing that encourages people to raise their hand, but to support that, you have the opportunity to create many smaller pieces that move the conversations forward.
The good news is, you've done all the hard work already. Now it's a case of amplifying your message in the simplest way possible.
Ep057: Your email follow up
April 14th, 2018 | 32 mins 4 secs
In today's episode, we're looking further at Book Blueprint Score Mindset 8, Beyond Your Book... This time, specifically the email sequence you should have, once someone requests a copy of your book.
We've often talked about one of the biggest benefits of using a book to identify invisible leads is the fact that not everyone is ready to start today. By identifying people early in their journey, you have the opportunity to start a conversation and educate and motivate people to do business with you, when they are ready.
... and the way you do this is by email.
Today we're looking at the 5 emails you should set up in your initial autoresponder and the 'flagship broadcast', you should then drop people into.
Ep056: Getting Down The Mountain with Joe Yocavitch
March 31st, 2018 | 47 mins 9 secs
The important things really start to happen once you’ve completed your book.
That the opportunity to start sharing what you’re written and identifying those invisible prospects.
In last week’s show we looked at the free or inexpensive ways you can use your book with the people who already know you, and today we take that a step further, looking at the things you can do locally to share your book with the people most likely to be clients.
The best way to think through these ideas is always with a real example, so today we’re talking with Joe Yocavitch from New Jersey.
Joe’s a great guy. He persevered through some compliance headwinds to recently complete his book Getting Down The Mountain. A guide to preserving your retirement by reducing one of the biggest threats. Taxation.
We had a great call looking at not only the process of creating his book, and some of the challenges, but also, not it’s ready, what are some of the ways he can get out there and make the most of these first few weeks after release.
I’m excited for you to hear (and steal) the ideas we had
Ep055: Beyond Your Book
March 24th, 2018 | 45 mins 56 secs
The most exciting part of creating your book isn’t the layout, or the amazing cover, or even really your great content… The exciting part is getting your book out there, starting conversations once it’s complete.
Today on the Book More Show we’re looking at the last of the Book Blueprint Mindsets – what to do ‘Beyond Your Book’.
There are so many opportunities and ways you could use it, but we start by looking at the simple, inexpensive, and friction-free ways of using your book to orchestrate referrals and revive old leads.
We also talk about how easy it is to over value short term results, and under value the long term. So we cover a few simple ways you can stay front of mind with people, and be there ‘when they are ready’ to take the next step.
Ep054: Beneficial constraints
March 17th, 2018 | 49 mins 57 secs
In the last few shows we've looked at all the elements of the Book Blueprint Scorecard you need to create the best book for your business or organization.
Today, we looking at mindset 7, and what not to do. The beneficial constraints you can put in place to increase your chance of completing a book.
Starting to write with the mindset of 'It will be done when it's done' is a sure fire way to make sure you're still writing (or avoiding it) this time next year. It's the time and scope constraints you put on the project that are key to getting it done.
As a special bonus, we also talk about why International Speak Like a Pirate day might be the key to getting your book out there, and I share the world's best Pirate joke!
So something for everyone this week ;)
Ep053: Outlines and Content
March 13th, 2018 | 1 hr 3 mins
Today we're diving in to two more of the Book Blueprint mindsets.
A Purposeful Outline and Value Driven Content.
This is a bit of a deep dive, but amplifies some of the topics from the last few shows. It will be a huge help if you're at the stage where you have your audience dialed in, you know where you want them to go next, and you're ready to start planning how to get them there (the content).
As with all the Book Blueprint mindsets, you'll find you are more advanced in some than others, but the main thing we're trying to achieve here, is helping you make the most of each element that makes up your book.
Ep052: Thinking beyond your book
March 3rd, 2018 | 32 mins 13 secs
Your book is the best tool for identifying invisible leads, but the secret is to have a plan to nurture those leads over the weeks and months after they make themselves known.
The aim; to start a conversation with people most likely to be your customer.
So today on the show, Betsey and I talk about some great conversations we're having with people looking to syndicate their books, ways for any business to think about writing a book to start a conversation, and how, once people have joined your 'sphere of influence', you can continue the conversation with people, continually present them with the offer of the next step.
Ep051: Cracking the Code with Ben Byrne
February 25th, 2018 | 1 hr 8 mins
Today we have a change from the regular programing as we just released the latest episode of the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast, and it's one you need to hear!
Dean is talking with Ben Byrne, owner of a marketing company in Canada, who's looking to break into marketing for Financial Advisers.
This is a great show I wanted to share because it's a real example of the thought process behind using a book to generate leads, for referrals and to syndicate and create a solution for your customers.
The show should resonate as it hits home the benefits of separating identifying potential leads from converting them.
There are lots of great ideas here for you today.
Ep050: A MVC Call to Action
February 17th, 2018 | 49 mins 17 secs
Today on the show we're looking at mindset 4 of the Book Blueprint Scorecard: A Minimum Viable Commitment, call to action.
The job of the back cover of a 'traditional' book is to sell the book... The job of your back cover is to deliver a compelling call to action in a way that allow new people to identify themselves and make it possible for you to know who your 'hotter' prospects are.
We dive into this today and look at the offers you can make to keep the conversation moving.
Ep049: A great example, 600 leads
February 10th, 2018 | 46 mins 49 secs
Two parts to today's show. We stared off talking about a book project we recently completed to generate leads of realtors and closed looking at the Book Blueprint Score mindset 3: Choosing an amplifying sub-heading.
600 leads
People sometimes get hung-up on the content part of their book and what to write about. We covered 5 of the most effective types of books in 5 book titles formula field report but today we focused on how straight forward it can be to create something the resonates and get's people to raise their hand.Once written, it can then be a challenge to know how to get your book out there, so in this example we run through the Facebook campaign we used to generate almost 600 leads in about 2 weeks.
Then, regardless of the traffic source, or the content, we finish by mentioning the Short, Personal, Expecting A Reply (spear) email we send to start the conversation with people.
The examples of these are all below.Book Blueprint Score, mindset 3: An amplifying sub-heading
We continued our discussion of the 8 Book Blueprint Scores by looking at number 3 today. Some people fall into the trap of 'keyword stuffing' their subheading thinking that more words might attract more people.If you have your audience dialed in and you know who you are trying to reach, your subheading is the place to amplify the benefits of your book, and use those power words to compel then to think 'I want that'.
You can find out your Book Blueprint Score at
Ep048: Rethink the Ink with Victor Beyer
February 3rd, 2018 | 40 mins 59 secs
If you've been in a business or industry for any length of time, the knowledge you have can help others save time, money and in some cases pain and discomfort.
Whether that's sharing basic steps, pointing out common mistakes, correcting industry wide misconceptions, or sharing your deep understanding of your industry, the information you have is one of the very best ways to start a conversation with someone who's a likely customer.
Today, we had a great conversation with Victor Beyer. Victor owns a Tattoo Removal school as well as studios and wrote the book Rethink the Ink to target the two groups of people most in need of hearing the truth and misconceptions around tattoo removal. People looking to have a tattoo removed, and those looking to become removal practitioners.
Victor's deep understanding comes out in both the show, and in the pages of his book and it's this knowledge he's passionate to share, that will help readers evidence to themselves that he's the 'go to' guy for both training and removal.
We had a great conversation about the steps that lead him to creating the book, the process and the benefits he's seeing.
Ep047: A Title That Resonates (Mindset2)
December 18th, 2017 | 42 mins 53 secs
Today we're continuing with the Book Blueprint Scorecard journey and looking at Mindset 2: A Title That Resonates.
If the purpose of your book is to compel someone to say "I want that book. That sounds like something I want." then the title is the key thing that triggers that response. Picking a title that resonates, both gets someone to raise the hand and communicates the promise of the solution.
Incorporating 'pre-suasion' techniques like this can make a big difference.
In addition to this episode, we also recently recorded a book title Q&A call (linked below) that goes deeper into some real life examples.
Ep046: Book Blueprint Scorecard
December 10th, 2017 | 44 mins 35 secs
Today we're following on from the scorecard introduction to talk specifically about the Book Blueprint Scorecard.
I've been excited to share this for a few weeks because it's not only a great scorecard example, but more importantly, it's a great framework to help you assess where you are in creating a great tool for your business.
Over the coming weeks we'll address each mindset individually and walk you through the thinking behind each, the best way to assess your progress, and based on your score, the opportunities you have to mover the needle and get better results.
We're starting today with Mindset 1: Your Specific Target Audience.