The Book More Show: More Leads, More Calls, More Business

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

185 episodes of The Book More Show: More Leads, More Calls, More Business since the first episode, which aired on April 27th, 2016.

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    Ep073: Club Syndication with Shane Melanson

    March 9th, 2019  |  51 mins 30 secs

    Today on the Book More Show we're talking with Shane Melanson from Alberta Canada. Shane helps people invest in commercial real estate across the US and Canada, and his book, 'Club Syndication' helps people find the right deals and raise capital.

    We had a great conversation about how he dialed in the target market for his book, and now it's complete, we focused on some of the best ways he can get in front of the people he can best help.

    Shane has a great opportunity to work with a 'complementary, non competing' group of investors, and the book is proving to be the perfect door opener to people and conversations that were previously difficult to access.

    We dive deep into looking at various ways he can leverage his book that brings value to everyone and puts him in front of the right people at the right time.

    This is a great example of why your book is a 'charge neutral' way of starting a conversation with people who get pitched all the time, and why, when you start by give something of value (to potential clients or peers), it sets an expectation of value creation, rather than starting by asking for something.

    I really enjoyed catching up with Shane & it's exciting to hear how he's getting more people to raise their hand and there are lots of examples you can use to promote your business.

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    Ep072: It's 2019!

    January 8th, 2019  |  39 mins 1 sec

    It's 2019 & we're back!

    Today on the Book More Show I'm talking with Betsey about 3 or 4 of the fastest, zero cost ways to get your book out there using things you're already doing like email, social profiles, and the content you already create.

    There's definitely a place for specific campaigns, but being able to use your book as a next step for people in any situation is a great way to add small rocks, to the big rocks of your campaigns.

    It's these little opportunities that can add up to big results over time, and as we're talking about making small changes to existing things, it's definitely something everyone can and should do.

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    Ep071: Bootstrapping with Randy Davis

    October 29th, 2018  |  45 mins 13 secs

    Today on the Book More Show, we're talking to Randy Davis from up near Chicago IL. Over the years, Randy has built and sold 18 companies, and the book he just completed with us, The Bootstrap Billionaire, takes that experience and the insights gain from conversations with his peers, to guide you toward creating a business that scales, and ultimately is a viable business that attracts multiple offers.

    It was great to get some of Randy's time today. Not only for his knowledge, but also to listen to his experience of creating his book... What lead him to the decision, the process, and how he plans to use it.

    Everyone's background and intentions are different, so it's great to hear what held someone else back, and what's now propelling them forward.

    There's some great ideas here to help you get started.

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    Ep070: Remixing your assets

    September 29th, 2018  |  29 mins 49 secs

    Today on the Book More Show we're talking about all the ways to take your hard work (writing your book) and create other 'things', other assets you can use to remix your campaigns and funnels.

    From the individual ideas that make up the content of your book, you have the opportunity to create many, many short, individual pieces of content to amplify your message, and educate and motivate people toward taking the first step with you.

    Once these are created, you'll have an army of assets, all waiting to be remixed into various funnel. From supporting material, to new, top of the funnel 'cookies'.

    The trick to getting this done is to split the task in two. First identify the points you want to amplify, and second, have a list you can refer back to, of all the different ways you can create variations of that content.

    It's this list that's the secret. You already know the information... This list is the way to shortcut you brain into getting it out there.

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    Ep069: Healthcare on purpose, with Regan Archibald

    September 16th, 2018  |  57 mins 19 secs

    Today on the Book More Show we've got a great interview with Regan Archibald, a healthcare professional from Utah.

    Regan has a great story. Having developed a number of clinics in Utah, he went on to found Go Wellness, a training and mentorship program for Acupuncturists, Chiropractors and Doctors in the healthcare field, and you'll hear us talk about the progression in how he uses his books (he's now on his 4th), to identify and engage both patients and clients.

    I love talking to the people we work with, to hear about the real life examples of how they are using books to attract more customers and grow their businesses.

    If you haven't yet started your book yet, the information Regan shares will be a great reminder to get started because there are so many opportunities out there, and you can never tell where it will lead.

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    Ep068: Use this funnel

    August 11th, 2018  |  35 mins 13 secs

    You spend a lot of time thinking about your book, but the most important thing is the bigger campaign, or funnel your book is a part of.

    Today on the Book More Show, we're walking through the 3 campaigns we use, and the framework we've used with many clients to create the most effective funnels, with a book as the front end.

    Whether you've written your book already, or are waiting to get started, I really want you to take this approach, and think about how you can:

    Identify people
    Start a conversation with those people ready immediately
    Continue to educate and motivate people over the long-term, until they are ready.
    ... and we'll be talking about number 3 more over the coming weeks.

    There is a huge opportunity to stay in front of people, presenting 'Minimum Viable Commitment' offers until they are ready, and your book is the very best way to start the conversation and prime your pump.

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    Ep067: Happy Homeowners with Jim Rollo

    July 21st, 2018  |  56 mins 50 secs

    We talk a lot about using your book as part of a funnel, or campaign to engage future customers, and today we have a great example of that.

    In today's Book More Show we're talking with Jim Rollo an insurance broker from New York state. This is a great conversation and really Jim's book is the perfect example of starting a conversation with a group of people that you want to engage with, in a way that resonates with them. He's used all of the book blueprint mindsets that we've talked about before, starting the conversation in a way that educates people and gives them useful content, working with complimentary noncompeting businesses to add value to potential customers, leading readers to further steps that amplify the conversation further and ultimately lead people to a point that you can do business together.

    The call went fast & there is a lot for you to take from it, including how jim came to the point of writing the book, the process of writing, and then we spent a lot of time really focusing on how he's planning on using the book through those complimentary noncompeting relationships.

    This is really a great show if you've recently finished your book or if you're thinking about starting, and are wondering how you can use it.

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    Ep066: 5 Book Title Formulas

    July 14th, 2018  |  57 mins 27 secs

    One of the most frequent questions we get asked is about book titles. So today on the Book More Show, we dive deep and revisit 5 of the most effective book title formulas.

    If you're on the More Cheese, Less Whiskers list, you'll have seen an email earlier this week introducing them. The aim, as always, is to have a title that makes your ideal customer, stop and say "I want that".

    Whether you're introducing a new idea to your audience or giving them step by step instructions to get a better outcome, your title & the words you choose, are the strongest indicator to people that they are 'in the right place'.

    5 Book Titles Formula
    In the show we talk about The 5 Book Title Formulas field report. It's linked here.

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    Ep065: Keep it simple

    July 8th, 2018  |  46 mins 40 secs

    One of the biggest challenges you face when writing your book (after the content) is getting bogged down by the tools and 'mechanisms' needed to get it produced and ready to print.

    The simplest way is to have us do it for you ;) but if you want to go the DIY route, today's show is for you. We talk about some of the tools and tips needed to get it done.

    We cover the options to get your words on the page in the way you want, as well as the choices you have for cover design.

    The key theme in all of this... Keep It Simple!

    Remember, if you're looking to generate business from your book, then your book is not the product, and ever additional unit of energy spent on this, is not being spent elsewhere.

    Focus on the 'Minimum Effective Dose' and get something out there that helps people and starts a conversation.

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    Ep064: Kindle vs Print

    June 23rd, 2018  |  46 mins 5 secs

    Once your book is complete, you have 3 main ways to get it in the hands of people you want to engage. Print, Kindle and PDF.

    In today's show, we're diving into some of the up and downsides to these, and how the different ways you plan to use your book can change what you need to do to get the best out of it.

    Starting with the end in mind is essential to creating something effective. Putting out a Kindle version is might be a great idea, but unless you have a way to encourage those people to identify themselves, it could be a lot of wasted effort.

    There is no 'one size fits all' answer to creating your book across different channels, but today we talk about some great ideas & points to consider to make sure you get the best bang for your book.

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    Ep063: Avoiding the edit trap

    June 16th, 2018  |  41 mins 28 secs

    There are a few traps that can catch you out, even after you've created the content for your book. The biggest one - endless editing.

    After years of experience, we know the biggest challenge people face is letting go and getting their book out their, in front of people. The temptation to edit, and tweak, and edit some more can be overwhelming. Months can pass and you still don't have anything to share.

    The good news is, you don't need to do that! If your book is being used identify new customers, if you're giving it away as a way to start a conversation, then 90% and out, is much better than waiting to get to 100% (which, by the way is an illusion), and sat on the shelf.

    Remember, your book is not the product, and in today's show we talk about some of the common editing traps people fall into, and how to recognize them.

    One of the issues is keeping your 'beneficial constraints' in mind, so we wrap up by talking about the right time to create a second book.

    This is a great show to keep you moving toward the end of the process.

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    Ep062: Images in your book

    June 9th, 2018  |  38 mins 18 secs

    Deciding what to include in your book can be mean more than just the words.

    All too often we talk to people bogged down trying to include images, charts, checklists, and screenshots in their book.

    As with everything, there is a right way and a wrong way to approach this, so in today’s show we’re taking a little time to talk about the pros and cons of including images.

    We’ll look at the constraints you need to be aware of, some tips to better use the additional information you’re trying to include, and the best way to think about the context in which your book will be read.

    The aim, as always, is to help you get your best book out there as fast as possible, without getting caught up in all the image pitfalls.

    And… we finish off the show with a quick look at the outlining tools we use to map out our content

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    Ep061: Working with others

    May 19th, 2018  |  49 mins 4 secs

    We know your book is the best way to start a conversation. A way to identify invisible prospects from all the people out there who could be customers.

    But rather than offering it to everyone, there are ways to improve your results by offering it to those who are already predisposed to want to do business with you.

    The great news is, this approach can benefit everyone. Not just you, but the people you’re working with, and their customers.

    Today on the Book More Show we’re talking about working with others to add more value to their customers, and at the same time, giving you the opportunity to spread your message, and introduce your solution to people who are already in the market for whatever it is you offer.

    Working with complimentary, non-competing businesses is one of the best ways to identify that group of customers, one step removed from your current sphere of influence.

    By taking a couple of extra steps to orchestrate that referral process, you can ensure the best chance of a new, relevant, potential customer hearing about you in a way that starts the conversation in a great way.

    We also talked about ways to work with others to create your book in the first place.

    This is a great show, especially if you operate in a geographical area where you have connections, or have built relationships online already.

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    Ep060: Your super signature

    May 12th, 2018  |  49 mins 15 secs

    We've talked recently about the different ways you can identify new customers once your book is finish, and one common theme across these approaches is email.

    No matter how you get in front of people, at some point it probably involves sending them a message.

    In today’s show we look at 2 ways you can make the most of the messages you send; your Super Signature, and following up with a SPEAR email to move the conversation forward.

    No matter what business you're in, the aim of your book is to start a conversation with a potential customer, and your emails are the best way to develop the relationship while giving people the opportunity to move to the next stage. To take that minimum viable commitment step toward doing business with you.

    There are some great ideas in this show, things you can implement today, and you can grab a copy of the Email Mastery book from to up your email game even further.

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    Ep059: A healthy love affair with Focus James

    May 6th, 2018  |  1 hr 46 secs

    The biggest benefit of having your book, is... having your book!

    It may sound obvious, but it's easy to forget about all the different ways you can use it when you're caught up in creating it.

    Once it's finished, it becomes the flagship asset, the 'thing' you can offer, reference, and refer people to, in many different campaigns.

    That's what we're talking about in today’s show as we take an hour to talk with Focus James.

    Focus has just finished her book ‘How to Have a Healthy Love Affair' and with a speaking event coming up in the next few weeks, we look at all the ways she can use her new book to amplify her message, compel the audience to take the next step, and get into a conversation with all the people who are interested, but not quite ready today.

    Focus has a model, a framework to help people, a passion to share her knowledge, and now has her book, her manifesto to help spread the word and identify all the invisible prospects... people she can help and would love to work with her.

    This is a great show, and another opportunity to create ideas for a real-world example.

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    Ep058: Further beyond

    April 29th, 2018  |  48 mins 53 secs

    There are many different ways to use your book to engage people, and today we're looking at a 'grab bag' of possibilities.

    Your comfort with creating new 'things', the skills you have, and the audience you already with, will all influence how you choose to use your book, but by looking at many options today, we'll get to cover something for everyone. Something that when you hear us talk about it, you'll immediately see how you can use the idea to better engage potential customers.

    Creating your book give you the flagship asset... the thing that encourages people to raise their hand, but to support that, you have the opportunity to create many smaller pieces that move the conversations forward.

    The good news is, you've done all the hard work already. Now it's a case of amplifying your message in the simplest way possible.