The Book More Show: More Leads, More Calls, More Business

About the show

Tips & tricks on writing your business's greatest lead generation tool.
Join Stuart Bell, Dean Jackson, and Betsey Vaughn as we look at how writing a book can get you more leads, more call, more business.


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    Ep119: Become a Superhero with Jonathon Schultheiss

    November 5th, 2022  |  31 mins 20 secs

    Today on the Book More Show we're talking with author and financial advisor, Jonathan Schultheiss, about the success he's had using his book.

    Jonathon has a really interesting back story to the way he created his book and how he's usingi it.

    The book is based on the way he helps employees maximize their 401k, but his clients, the people who pay him are the company HR and Financial Managers. So rather than lead generation in the traditional sense, he uses his book as a differentiator when talking to these executives. Many people are pitching 401k management, but others can't demonstrate the value they add to the employees.

    His framework is core to his whole approach and it's developed to be more than just the book. It's a simple framework to help people become the 401k superhero to their families.

    Jonathon's a great guy & his passion for helping people really comes across. He has some great advice for creating something you can refine and develop over time.

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    Ep118: What to Write When You Don’t Know What to Write

    October 29th, 2022  |  49 mins 54 secs

    Today on the Book More Show, we answer the question of what to write when you don't know what to write!

    November is NaNoWriMo, a long-running organization that helps fiction writers complete their novels through November by providing support, resources and a framework.

    If you have a great idea but struggle to complete it, their step-by-step guidance dramatically increases the likelihood of getting it done.

    Likewise, if you have the idea a book is a great tool to help build your business but struggle to decide what to write, then our 5by5 Method is the perfect way for you to create a compelling book that leads people toward working with you.

    Check the show notes for the steps to create your 5by5 book.

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    Ep117: Choosing a Title That Resonates

    October 23rd, 2022  |  19 mins 5 secs

    We get more questions about book titles than almost any other subject.

    It makes sense - Your book title is the thing that stops someone doing whatever they were doing long enough to think, 'I want that...'

    Today on the podcast I want to share the video I recorded for Mindset 2 of our Book Blueprint Scorecard: Choosing a Title That Resonates, where I run through 5 book title formulas that help you create something that compels people to get a copy.

    Being in conversation with those pre-disposed to work with you is the secret to a valuable email list, and offering a copy of your book is the perfect start to this journey.

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    Ep116: Additional Revenue by White Labelling Your Book

    September 16th, 2022  |  47 mins 6 secs

    Today on the Book More Show, Betsey & I talk about the idea of using your book outside of the clients you can personally help, by white labeling it, allowing others to use a version in their marketing, and obviously pay you for the service!

    This works especially well if you are a business coach or have clients already paying you to help with their marketing, but it can work for anyone who has a book, or can create something business owners would pay to use.

    We wrapped up talking about when it makes sense to take this a step further and white label the actual 90-Minute Book process. If you have a framework that helps people find more clients, and a book would help that success, then white labeling the 90-Minute Book process could be a great way you can help your clients create that book.

    It was fun to dive deeper on a topic we're help more & more people with.

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    Ep115: Should You Write a Book for Your Business

    September 11th, 2022  |  39 mins 1 sec

    Today on the Book More Show I caught up with Dean Jackson at the studio to talk about some of the reasons you should be writing a book for your business.

    Dean & I talk every day, but we don't make enough time to record, so it's always great when we get opportunity to sit down and go deep into some of the ideas.

    We talk about why a book is the best tool to find people you can work with, how to think about starting a conversation rather than selling a product, and the pitfalls to avoid if you're looking for the benefits of having a book without the traps of traditional publishing.

    If you're listening to this in the podcast feed, definitely checkout the show at to watch the video.

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    Ep114: Didn't We Used To Do a Podcast

    May 6th, 2022  |  43 mins 10 secs

    Today on the Book More Show, we're actually releasing a Book More Show!

    The reality of recording a podcast, or writing a book for that matter, is that it's not our day job. Our job is to help you write books, so once something interrupts the flow, it's so easy for the pattern to break and a week, a month, a year pass by.

    We hear it all the time with clients coming back two years later to finally start the book they thought they'd get done in a few weeks, and looking at the date of the last show, it happened to us with the podcast.

    So... we've acknowledged time got away from us, we know we have important ideas to share with you, we enjoy doing it (we're even publishing shows every week for others!!), so time to get back on the horse. This is an episode we recorded a few months ago & next week, we'll be back with a new one.

    We're getting the band back together!

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    Ep113: Get Ready for the Roaring 20's

    December 20th, 2020  |  50 mins 50 secs

    Today on the Book More Show, Betsey & I have a great conversation about the potential of the 'Roaring 20's' and the opportunity to start engaging with future customers now by sharing ways they can make the most of the current situation.

    Everyone's optimistic about the potential for the next 6-24 months, but the day-to-day reality for many might be quite different. Whether it's new rules and regulations, different ways of working, or customers wanting different experiences, many will need to adapt.

    It's this change that presents the opportunity for you. Whether you're working with B2B or B2C clients, thinking about what's changed for them, and helping them navigate these changes by writing a book that solves their 'today' problem, will build relationships that lead to business tomorrow.

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    Ep112: Capturing the Moment

    September 27th, 2020  |  46 mins 7 secs

    Today on the Book More Show, I’m talking with Betsey Vaughn about work we’ve recently been doing with some clients to customize their books to capture the current moment. Writing with a specific purpose is always our advice.

    Whether you have a book you’re looking to repurpose, or you have a message or framework you can tailor to reflect what’s happening in the world, clearly showing why your message is useful at this moment is a great way to engage people. There are various ways to achieve this, some more effective than others, but at the end of the day, it comes back to knowing your single target audience and having a purposeful outline.

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    Ep111: Intentionality

    September 5th, 2020  |  39 mins 39 secs

    Today on the Book More Show, I’m talking with Betsey Vaughn about the intentionality you have when it comes to your book.

    People often think about this in terms of the purpose or job of work of their book, but really, intentionality applies to each part of your book, from the obvious elements like title and call to action, through to the often overlooked parts like the intentionality of examples you use to reinforce your message.

    All of this is easier when you start with the end in mind and have a clear target audience, with an easy to follow next step you want people to take.

    Like a chess player thinking ten moves ahead, when you know the path you want people to follow, each part of the process can be tuned to this outcome.

    This is a great episode looking at ways to get that bit extra from the work you are doing to create your book.

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    Ep110: Knowing Your Audience

    August 15th, 2020  |  46 mins 6 secs

    Today on the Book More Show, I’m talking with Betsey Vaughn about the importance of knowing who you’re writing for and picking a single target audience.

    This is the first mindset in the Book Blueprint Scorecard, and it’s first for a reason.

    Many people are fearful of missing out on potential customers by being too niche. The truth is, your book has a specific job of work to do, starting a conversation with potential clients, and it does that best by talking directly to them in a way that resonates.

    For most businesses, it would be a challenge to be too niche. Think about your customers for a moment. Of all the types of people you work with, how niche would you have to go before dominating that group is too small to be worthwhile?

    Being specific has enormous benefits, not only in the book you write but also in who you advertise it too, how you follow up, and the supporting information you share to amplify the point and compel people to take the next step.

    It also makes it much, much, much easier!

    There are some great examples in this show to help get your idea dialed in and your book out there.

    And don’t forget to complete your own scorecard below.

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    Ep109: Amplify Your Message

    August 8th, 2020  |  50 mins 6 secs

    Today on the Book More Show, I'm talking with Betsey Vaughn about ways to amplify the message of your book.

    We know it takes most people months or years, rather than days or weeks, to become a client, so you need a way to stay in touch with people until they are ready.

    A regular flagship broadcast email, like a podcast release, is great, but there's also the opportunity to create micro-funnels of content by amplifying specific points from your book. These mini-campaigns can be sent to people throughout the year, and the best part is they're easy to create as you've done all the hard work to get the words in your book already.

    Picking 5 or 6 key points to amplify, then recording video or writing emails that go deeper into that point, is the fastest way to create relevant, engaging content people want to receive. Releasing these as mini-campaigns with a call to action will allow potential clients to take action and move to the next step.

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    Ep108: JW Oliver

    August 1st, 2020  |  51 mins 10 secs

    Today on the Book More show, we're talking with JW Oliver, who recently wrote 'Rise of the Remote Workforce' and is the owner of insourcing company

    One of my favorite shows is having the opportunity to talk with the authors we've worked with, and as JW's just finished writing his book that walks people through the benefits of a global team, I wanted to get him on the show to share his story.

    We had a great conversation about his organization, the work they do to help entrepreneurs source skilled staff, at typically 30% of the cost, and how the real benefit is the leverage and capability this creates, rather than merely the cost savings.

    Something that is particularly timely given the current pandemic, as more companies are being forced to adapt to a remote way of working anyway.

    We finished up talking about his book, and it's great to listen to his insights around how it came about, how he plans to use it, and the idea of framing a resource (your book) for a specific purpose.

    Writing a book that addresses a single target audience, that carries people through the first few steps of their relationship with you is key. It gets readers to the point where you're more likely to have an informed conversation and creates something that amplifies your reach and impact.

    I really enjoyed this chat with JW, and there's a lot you can take away as you think about starting more conversations with potential clients.

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    Ep107: Tell People About Your Book

    July 25th, 2020  |  57 mins 53 secs

    Today on the Book More Show, I'm joined by Betsey Vaughn to talk about two of the first steps you should take to promote your book. It doesn't matter if your book is brand new, or something you've had for some time. The opportunity is in presenting it to people in a way that gives them value today.

    It's a conversation that's come up several times in strategy calls over the summer, and this is the perfect chance to share these simple ideas of ways to spread the word.

    So, in the show, we're going to look at the emails or letters you can send to those people who already know, like, and trust you. We then talk about some simple strategies to use video to leverage the work you've already done and create content that amplifies your message and can be used to regularly stay in touch with people.

    Your opportunity to work with people really starts by regularly keeping in touch until they are ready, and the ideas in today's show are a great way to do just that.

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    Ep106: Why Now? with Dean Jackson

    July 19th, 2020  |  32 mins 5 secs

    Today on the Book More Show, I grabbed some time with Dean Jackson to talk about why NOW is the best time to write your book.

    We often work with people who've wanted to create a book for years but get held back by something, so today we talk about why your idea is the important thing, rather than how it's packaged, about your title being the catalyst that can get you going, and we finished up by talking about a better way to invest your time and money in your book so you can collect all the names you need.

    It's always great to get Dean's perspective and go deeper into this idea that your book isn't the product. It's how you identify people excited to talk about your idea, and then introduce your product or service that can help them.

    If you've thought about writing in the last few years, this is the episode you need to listen to and pull the trigger to get started.

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    Ep105: Following up

    July 12th, 2020  |  47 mins 49 secs

    Today on the Book More Show, I'm talking with Betsy Vaughn about following up with people once they get a copy of your book, specifically email followup, and the opportunity you have to engage potential customers or clients in a conversation.

    It's one of the most important and overlooked chances you have to really amplify your message, present readers with an opportunity to take the next step and keep presenting this next step until they're ready.

    We go through some specific examples of the followup sequences we use, and there are a lot of ideas you can take and use for your followup.

    I'm excited to get to this episode; it's something we always get questions about.

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    Ep104: Syndicate Your Knowledge

    June 29th, 2020  |  46 mins 14 secs

    Today on the Book More Show, Betsey & I talk about a subject I love, the idea of syndicating your book & allowing other people to use it to start a conversation.

    This is so powerful & we've worked with many projects that have really used this idea to leverage the value of a book across multiple team members, coaching clients, or organizations you run marketing for.

    Everyone understands the power of having a book, but it's only someone like you who has taken steps to make that a reality. Syndicating a book to others who are unable or unwilling to take those steps allows you to charge for this as a service.

    Even better, you don't even need to know any of the technical steps, because we can do that for you. You can concentrate on creating the best content, and working with your clients to implement the strategy in the best way.

    Whether you have ten agents in your office, you coach 100 Dentists, or you work in an insurance group of 1000's, solving this lead generation problem for people can be a huge revenue opportunity.