The Book More Show: More Leads, More Calls, More Business
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
189 episodes of The Book More Show: More Leads, More Calls, More Business since the first episode, which aired on April 27th, 2016.
Ep093: Transforming Smiles with Jason & Denise Henderson
January 11th, 2020 | 29 mins 24 secs
Today on the Book More Show, I'm very excited because we have another author interview to share with you. I just finished talking with Jason and Denise Henderson, dentists with practices in Palo Alto and Tahoe.
Their patients are slightly different. There's a different demographic, and they specialize in different procedures, but the book they created addresses one of the common problems across all patients.
We often talk about this question of 'What's the common question in the minds of your potential customer?', something you can help with, or help them overcome. Well, this is what Denise and Jason have done. Their book helps people start to overcome any anxiety they may be feeling, by talking about their practice, their approach, and helps set the scene for how their practices operate and what people can expect.
Your book won't 'cure' someone, but it can put people's minds at rest, and it lets them peek behind the curtains a little bit, so there are no surprises, and it starts to build a level of comfort, enough for people to take the first step.
I talked with Jason first and then Denise, and it's great to hear both their perspectives on what the book provides, how it's being received, and their take on the responses they've already got.
Ep092: Tell People About Your Book
January 4th, 2020 | 46 mins 54 secs
Happy New Year, and welcome to another episode of the Book More Show.
We're starting 2020 by diving a little deeper into some of the basics steps everyone should be doing to promote their book, and though some of these may sound familiar, it's surprising how easy they are to overlook.
The New Year is a time to reflect, and sometimes be surprised by how fast the last 12 months have gone, and this episode, in part, was sparked by a conversation Betsey had yesterday when someone who worked with us last year asked for tips to 'do more' with their book, but who had yet to put some of these simple steps in place.
So often we're looking for a secret, but the great news is, the simple things can get you a lot of the way.
We wrapped up by talking about a few examples of when to use additional material in your book; something that can often trip people up, and a timely reminder that New Year is a great time to seek out the people who will be talking about, and interested in, the thing your book will help them with.
So, a great show to start the year. I know we're excited about the year ahead and working with you to get more books created, and more conversation started.
Ep091: What we saw in 2019
December 29th, 2019 | 34 mins 9 secs
Today on the Book More Show, I caught up with Dean to do a kind of year in review of 2019.
We're recording in the break between Christmas & New Year, so it was a great opportunity to pick his brain, and look at the trends that have changed, the things were still pretty bullish on, and the experiences we've had, coaching and helping people build their business using a book over the last 12 months.
There are some really interesting insights here, particularly the psychology of how people perceive requesting a book versus taking another action, and knowing this, what we can do to make that step as beneficial as possible.
Ep090: Beneficial Constraints
December 22nd, 2019 | 43 mins 41 secs
Today on the Book More Show, we’re closing in on the end of the year, so I grabbed some time with Betsey to talk about one of the Book Blueprint Scorecard mindsets - Beneficial Constraints.
The end of the year is always a great time to plan for the year ahead, but also to look back & realize how fast the last 12 months have gone!
This idea of Beneficial Constraints looks to help us understand that sometimes less allows us to achieve more, and what are the real and artificial constraints we can use to our benefit, to get a book out there, building our business.
If you want to read along with us and think about your score, then head over to and complete your own scorecard.
There is a lot to get from this episode, especially at this time of year as we’re looking down the barrel of 2020, and all it’s possibilities.
Ep089: A Hook For Your Book with Justin Breen
December 15th, 2019 | 41 mins 52 secs
Today on the Book More Show I'm very excited because I had a chance to catch up with Justin Breen, the owner of PR company BrEpic in Chicago.
Justin has a fascinating background as before opening his PR company; he was a journalist for many years. It's this experience that's valuable here because he's very dialed into what hooks people and captures their attention, especially the media.
A book is a great way to do this because it's still seen as 'something different', a way of sharing an idea, but also to put that idea in an interesting context.
Justin shares some great insights into ways to make your book do more, but the main takeaway is the idea that although the information you're sharing with potential customers is fantastic for starting a journey, people are often more engaged when there is a hook.
This can be a personal story or background that creates an emotional connection, and it's especially true when you're trying to get your story shared because the hook is going to give people a reason to talk about you, and an opportunity for you to share your message and encourage people to take the conversation further.
Ep088: BCC's and CTA's
September 14th, 2019 | 48 mins 9 secs
Today on the Book More Show, I'm talking with Betsey about all the great initials… BCC's and CTA's, as we dive into your back cover copy and call to actions.
We've talked about some of these in the past, but it ties in nicely with the show over the last couple of weeks when we looked at your tables of contents and then last week when I spoke with Dean last week about your email followup.
Your back cover copy, and the step you want someone to take next is very specific to the context of how you use your book, so today we have two great examples to go deep into.
If you've ever questioned what the best next steps are, or how to guide and orchestrate people's thinking into an action, rather than just reading for the sake of reading, then this is going to be a great show for you.
Ep087: Engaging Potential Clients
September 11th, 2019 | 29 mins 57 secs
Today on the Book More Show, we have a great episode as Dean and I talk about 'what to do now, your book is complete'.
It's a question we often get because we talk a lot about your book being the first step in the process. In reality, a lot of the engagement you're going to have with people comes from the longterm relationship you'll build.
Not everyone is ready to take action straight away. Staying in touch with people is key to being front of mind, and there, ready to help whenever they are ready to take that next step.
Some great insights from Dean into your email followup, both immediately when someone opts in, and then over the following days. We're always looking to ask the right questions to engage and elicit a response that identifies your five-star prospects — the people who are most likely to want to do business with you.
Don't forget to grab a copy of Email Mastery from to dive deeper.
Ep086: Creating Wealth in Plumbing with John Akhoian
August 31st, 2019 | 58 mins 17 secs
Today on the Book More Show we're talking with John Akhoian, the owner of Rooter Hero, a plumbing company based out of California and Arizona.
John has written three books with us, and what's really interesting is the passion he brings to the subject. Not only for the passion for his own company, but a passion for the industry as a whole, and what other plumbers and tradespeople can do to really amplify their business and set up a company that's going to provide for them and their family.
You can really see the development of this idea in the three books he wrote.
Starting with a book to identify potential new team members, a way to staff their organization, John introduces the subject of a successful career in plumbing to people who may not have even thought of that as a career path. His second book talks about his progress toward creating 99 millionaires from the plumbing business, and his latest, Values First, reinforces his company philosophy in how they treat both members of the team and customers.
This is a great, wide-ranging episode that will spark a lot of great ideas on how you can engage clients and your team with a book.
Ep085: Your ToC Roadmap
August 24th, 2019 | 32 mins 13 secs
Today on the Book More Show I'm talking with Betsey about something we haven't covered on the show for some time. Your content.
Not so much the details of what to include, but more its structure and how even this can be a motivator for people as you compel them to take the next step.
We know you know your stuff and have some great ideas to get started. We know you have an easy way for people to take the next step and begin to work with you. But, we also know that actual read rates are pretty low.
Taking time to think about your Table of Content as something that reinforces people's belief they're in the right place, and you're the one to help them, encourages you to look at this page as the stepping stones from the question in the title, to the answer in the next step.
Imagine people only came in because of the title; they saw the 1,2,3,4,5… steps of the Table of Content, would that compel them to jump to the call to action, or would it confuse them, and hold them back from taking the next step.
The great thing about the is that it helps amplify each of the parts of your book, and it's little considerations like this that can add up.
Ep084: Dialing in your 'Before Unit'
August 17th, 2019 | 1 hr 10 mins
Today on the Book More Show, we have a little bit of a different episode because you're not going to hear from me, you're going to hear from Dean Jackson and Jonathon Schultheiss.
Now you might remember Jonathon from a show we did a few weeks ago talking about his new book 'Focused' and the way he's getting a lot of media attention, really orchestrating some TV appearances. Well, earlier in the year, Dean and Jonathon had a conversation over on the More Cheese Less Whiskers podcast talking about the bigger picture of his 'Before Unit' and some of the things Jonathon's doing outside of just of his book.
The conversation focused on picking the target market he's going for, deciding on the assets, the things that people are going to be most interested in receiving to start the conversation, and then how his book and the other pieces fit together into the overall funnels and campaigns.
It's a really great episode. You're going to get a lot from this, and there are a lot of transferable ideas that you can take away.
Ep083: Retire As You Desire with Bill Bloom
August 10th, 2019 | 53 mins 16 secs
Today on the Book More Show, we've got a great episode because I had the opportunity to talk with Bill Bloom.
Bill's a financial advisor from Chicago, and if you've been listening for any time to the show, you've probably heard me talk about Bill because he's created some great example of books that really resonate. He's an example always springs to mind.
We've known Bill for a long time. He wrote his first book with us 'The Yachters Guide to Early Retirement' a couple of years ago. It's a book that dials in on a niche that he's engaged with, and it really opened some doors to speaking engagements which continue to this day.
His second book is called 'Retire As You Desire' and what a name that it is! It really resonates with people. It rolls off the tongue, there's something humorous about it, it sticks in your mind, but also, more importantly, it delivers on a promise. It does what it says on the tin. It gives the indication of an outcome, of a better solution, and it's the perfect way of getting people to raise their hand.
Once they've raised their hand, his funnel then leads them into a meeting opportunity because he regularly now runs Retire As You Desire workshops in his local area.
I'm very excited to be able to share with you. There are a lot of take away's and ideas for you here.
Ep082: The Easiest Way to Follow Up
August 3rd, 2019 | 44 mins 41 secs
Today on the Book More Show I'm talking with Betsy Vaughn, and we're going to dive a little deeper into a topic we touched on last time.
We often talk about your book as the greatest lead generation tools you have. It really is the best way to get invisible prospects to raise their hand, but the secret is how do you engaging and interacting with those people over the long term.
It's over the next number of days, weeks, months, years, that you have the opportunity to speak with them, educating and motivating them, to do business with you and by showing how you can best help.
Obviously your immediate opt in sequence is important. Following up with people straight away so those who are the most engaged, the most ready to go, can take action, but then it's how you engage with all of the rest of the people over the longer term. One of the best ways to do that is a podcast.
We introduced this idea in the last episode, and we're going to dive deeper this time giving you some more actionable ideas, and it's going to be something we talk about increasingly over the coming weeks and years as it gets more attention out in the world and people realize just how many options you have to do things with that content once you've created it.
As we mention in the show, if you're interested in us helping you get your podcast set up and produced each week, just send an email to [email protected], and we'll get you all the details.
Ep081: Flagship Broadcasts
June 16th, 2019 | 35 mins 31 secs
Today on the Book More Show we’re talking about your Flagship Broadcast… the way you keep in touch with people after they show up on your radar.
The reality is, more people will be ready to engage with you over the long term, than the short term. Your book is the perfect tool to encourage interested people to raise their hand, but most of your opportunity to work with these people lies in the ‘long-tail’, so today we’re talking about why it’s important to be front of mind, and the simple ways you can create that ‘Flagship Broadcast’ to keep in touch.
With so many demands on your time, it’s important to be efficient with your effort, and there are some great ideas here to stay in front of people interested in the thing you do.
We also mentioned ‘Dial Talk Done’, our podcast service designed to be your flagship broadcast tool. If you've heard us talking about it before & are interested in being part of the first group, just shoot an email to [email protected] and we’ll get you all the details.
Ep080: Your book's 'Job of Work'
April 27th, 2019 | 55 mins 3 secs
Today on the Book More Show we’re talking about books to identify invisible leads and books that motivate people to take the next step.
If you’ve followed us for any time, you’ve heard us refer to Dean’s 8-Profit Activators and the before unit, looking at how you attract and engage with future customers. We’ve talked about Profit Activator 1: selecting a single target market in the past, well today we’re going a little deeper into Profit Activators 2 & 3, compelling your best prospects to raise their hand, and educating and motivating them to take the next step.
How you plan to use your book will influence your title, content, and next steps, and understanding the difference between Profit Activator 2 & 3 will help narrow your scope. It will guide your thoughts on the content and help craft a clearer call to action. All of which means you’re more likely to get your book created and out there working for you.
Every book is a combination of the 2, but understanding that identifying leads and motivating people to take the next step are two distinct mindsets (both for you and your potential customer) is one of the most important lead generation tips we can share.
As always, getting any book out there is better than no book, so don't let this distinction be an excuse to slow down. Instead, think about whether the main ‘job of work’ of your book is to identify people who don't yet know you, or to motivate those who do, to take the next step… Then get on with getting on.
Ep079: Using your webinar
April 20th, 2019 | 44 mins 42 secs
Today on the Book More Show we’re talking about the best way to use your presentation or webinar in your book.
It’s a question we get asked a lot… ‘I have a presentation recorded, can I use that to create my book’, and while getting it transcribed and edited may seem like a simple solution, there are many problems that come up when you try to jam your words from stage into the pages of your book you hope will be the start of a great customer conversation.
The good news is, there are a number of way you can use presentations or webinars you’ve already created to their maximum effect, and today we’re going to run through both the downside of straight reuse and the benefits and advantages you have by building on the work you’ve already done, in the right way.
The 90-Minute Book model of taking 30 minutes to outline your content, and 60 minutes to record something targeted is the fastest way to create a book that’s absolutely fit for purpose. Having helped create over 500 titles we’ve seen what works well, and what slows the process to a crawl.
Whether or not you’re working with us directly, today’s show will help you get your book out there quickly, and amplify your message with the presentation you don’t want to waste.
Ep078: Focused with Jonathon Schultheiss
April 13th, 2019 | 50 mins 1 sec
Today on the Book More Show we have a really great call for you. We’re talking with Jonathon Schultheiss who’s just finished his second book, Focused - The Financial Freedom Formula, and I can’t wait for you to hear about some of the amazing opportunities he’s created to get media attention.
Having already created a book, hyper-targeted at the group of people he really wants to work with, he created Focused to have a way to identify a broader group of people because he knows he can ‘sift and sort’ them later.
In just the last few weeks since completing his book, Jonathon has appeared on TV, spoken at NASDAQ and had his book featured on the Jumbotron in Time Square.
Having seen what he’s doing, I want to get him on the show to share his experience and give us some tips to do the same.
We talk a lot about directly engaging potential customers, and that is still the number one purpose of your book. But, just as with last weeks ‘long tail’ discussion, now you have your book created, there are some unique ways to make it work even harder, and get you access to potential customers that you may struggle to reach.
Jonathon has great energy, he’s a great cheerleader for the help he can provide, and he has some great tips for anyone looking to get more publicity and social proof.